Wednesday, November 27, 2019

20 Research Essay Topics Behavioral Ecology Issues You Should Discuss

20 Research Essay Topics Behavioral Ecology Issues You Should Discuss Behavioral Ecology is a fascinating and vast field. It is also an interesting subject as it aims to simplify the complex interaction of environments and animals. However, as fascinating as this subject may be, you may feel blank when assigned a research essay on it. Most students often get stuck at the very first step of the process: coming up with a topic. This can be an overwhelming feeling, especially if your deadline is looming around the corner. Luckily, we are here for your rescue. We managed to come up with 20 great topics related to Animal Behavioral Ecology. You can choose any of the following 20 topics to write on, or be inspired by them to come up with your own research essay topic. The Causes of Variations in Male Mating Strategies Within a Specie The Effect of Environmental Factors on Animal Mating Tactics The Information Flow Among Group-Animals and the Information Available in the Animal’s Visual Field The Application of Voroni Tassellation and Delaunay Triangulation on Behavioral Ecology. The Relationship Between Migratory Patterns and Habitat Climate How the Life Cycles of Migratory Birds Becomes Attuned with the Cycles of Their Target Habitats The Marginal Value Theory and Animal Foraging Behaviors The Gene-Based and Resource-Based Sexual Selection Strategies of Animals The Causes of Sexual Conflict in Animals The Evolutionary Consequences of Sexual Conflict Inter-Family Conflicts in Behavioral Ecology Characteristics and Advantages of Optimal Foraging Behavior Behavioral Ecology of Insect Parasitoids Biparental Care Patterns in Animals 15. Parental Care Patterns in Fish Parental Care by Brood Parasitism Factors Influencing the Diversity of Mating Systems Understanding Animal Cooperation Imprinting as a Kinship Determination Method Inclusive Fitness and Hamilton’s Rule Quick Tip: Make it Specific by Focusing on a Particular Animal Specie We could have made the topics very specific, but this would have sacrificed the nature of the essay. Besides, you could have ended up writing a research essay eerily similar to that submitted by one of your classmates. So, use the topics as an excellent starting point instead. The following lines offer a short sample essay to help you out. Think of it as an outline that you have to follow. Though the length of the sample might not be the same as your instructor’s requirements, follow this template (unless you were given one) to secure a good grade. Sample Research Essay: Social Foraging Behavior in Animals Does efficient social foraging exhibit a special ‘intelligence’ in animals? Foraging is the most common technique used by animals to find sustenance. Individual and social foraging behaviors both exhibit a certain level of instinctual knowledge which can be thought of as intelligence. Since most animals categorized as social foragers can exhibit complex social communication and problem-solving skills during group hunting, it is likely that these animals are more effective at foraging than non-social foragers. There are two major types of food seeking strategies employed by animals: sit and wait (the kind employed by spiders, rattlesnakes, etc.) and active searching (used by dragonflies, coyotes, etc.). Carnivores use a combination of both these strategies to find prey. It is a well-known fact that animals cooperate among their own species. By doing so, they can increase their own fitness levels. Social foraging behavior is when two or more animals cooperatively look for food. The level of cooperation is the main factor which differentiates among this behaviors: Â  uninvited foragers which can be from the same specie or a different one, cooperative Hunting, commonly seen by lions, wolves and wild dogs, eusocial animals extreme cooperation as seen, for example, in honeybees and ants. Foraging theories have been proposed to try to model animal foraging patterns. The models created work on the assumption that foraging animals try to maximize the return and minimize the effort exerted. The models also take into account the distribution of the individual animals in a fixed foraging area. The behavioral aspect of these theories focuses on how and why the animal made the decision to start foraging in a particular area. Finding food in the wild is impossible without certain instincts. These instincts are part of the animal’s nature. However, some foraging behavior is so complex that it can be considered as a type of intelligence. Social foraging animals need insight learning, problem solving abilities, and memory. They respond to environmental changes by altering their tactics. The knowledge about forage comes from a deep instinct retained over generations. Socially foraging animals exhibit more sophisticated mechanisms. They react to changes in the foraging environment effectively. Though this is a good example, we know that you can do much better. Therefore, mull over the 20 topics above, pick one, narrow it down, and research to your heart’s content to create a great research essay on animal behavioral ecology. References: Davies, N., Krebs, J., West, S. (2012). An introduction to behavioural ecology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Raven, P., Johnson, G. (2002). Biology. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Bautista, L. M., J. Tinbergen, P. Wiersma, and A. Kacelnik. 1998. Optimal foraging and beyond: How starlings compe with changes in food availability. Am. Nat. 152:543-561. Brown, J. S, J. W. Laundre and M. Gurung. 1999. The ecology of fear: optimal foraging, game theory and trophic interactions. J. Mammol. 80:385-399 Hirvoven, J., E. Ranta, H. Rita, and N. Peuhkuri. 1999. Significance of memory properties in prey choice decisions. Ecol. Model. 115:177-189. Pasquet, A., R. Leborgne, and Y. Lubin 1999. Previous foraging success influences web building in the spider Stegodyphus lineatus. Behav. Ecol. 10:115-121

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Native american Resistance essays

Native american Resistance essays This essay is going to be about the Native American Resistance. The main idea is the Americans are looking and taking more land and they continue encountering indians and Fighting wars with them to own their land. The sources of conflict between the Native Americans and the U.S. are the American Revolution broke the power of the Iroquois in the North and beaten the Cherokee in the South. The Americans wanted more land but the Miami, Delaware, Shawnee, and other Native Americans groups came together to fight America Expansion. The Americans also wanted to fight the Native Americans because the Native Americans Fought with the British during the Revolutionary war and Because the Native Americans had a different culture.The Mayor source of conflict is in 1795, Tecumseh refused to participate in the talks that led to the Treaty of Greenville. Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa disagreed with the U.S. purchasing land, so which made Henry Harison march north from Vincennes to Prophetstown to fight. Most of the conflicts change the relationship between the U.S. and the Native Americans. They made a Treaty of Greenville, in which it relinguished the Southern two thirds of Ohio. The Treaty also forced them to accept that the Ohio River was no longer permanent boundary between their lands. It also changed the Native Americans to accept white culture. in 1799, Handsome Lake called for a rebirth of seneca culture that would blend Native American Custom with those of the white Americans. The best method of conflict resolution for the Native Americans is blending their cultures with the Whites. Having two different cultures would be very hard for the Native Americans and the whites. For Example they would be living in different ways. Also having different beliefs which forms mayor problems. In conclusion, I have explain to you about the Native American Resistance. Their Sources of conflict, conflicts changing their relationship, and telling you the ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 - Essay Example Another criterion of identifying these assets is from contractual or other legal rights. Examples of these intangible assets would include patents, customer lists, copyrights and computer software. Some of these can be included in the financial statements of a given firm. The sale of computer software would indeed be included in a financial statement. Computer software is a person’s intelligence converted into programs acceptable to the computer platform. Intelligence is an asset that one would not see, touch or physically measure yet the products developed from the same are of great value (Alexander, Britton, & Jorissen, 2010). Looking at these intangible assets in this perspective, that they can be converted onto tangible assets then one would rightly argue that they should be included in the financial statements of the company. Internally generated brands are those products that are unique to a given firm only. The uniqueness comes into play owing to the fact that they are generated right within the company. They are not bought from outside then sold from the firm but are those generated from within the company (ibid). They are born of the intangible assets within the firm. Software manufacturing companies are most commonly known for this. Examples of these are Avast, Kaspersky, as well as Avira. These are software manufactured by different companies thus the difference in uniqueness. Lots of debates have been put forward criticizing the inclusion of these internally generated brands into the financial statements. Whichever way one decides to look at it, their inclusion would have advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in the following discourse. The main advantage lies on the fact that not a lot of monetary resources would be used in their creation. The normal monthly salary of the employee is all it takes to make an employee working in a given firm employ the best of his/her intelligence to the firm. The resulting products from an